Sunday, September 2, 2012

Gone for good

KW, my nephew, has gone to serve as a missionary for the LDS church for 2 years.  Being the second male grandson in my maternal family, it's not surprising that he's being doted on by his aunties. Hence, all of us, aunties, willingly sacrificed our time to send our beloved nephew off at the airport on National Day.  Lucky him, his departure was earlier scheduled on the eve of National Day which would mean only his parents were able to see him off.

We expect flood to occur. And true enough, Grandma couldn't control her tears as soon as seeing one of her most loved grandsons.  And we still had another two hours more before his departure.

Photo session with the 'star' of the morning....
Yee Mah posing for the camera while Grandma just couldn't hold her tears 

Snapping a picture with cousins

This family picture was also taken using a Polaroid which KW took with him to the mission

My nephew, having the 'last' McD meal with his family, an hour before departure
While his Mom (on the left) was busy jotting down some last-minute reminder notes for him, here's KW, still  so cheery for the camera

We blamed our Mom for triggering our emotional button.  Deep inside our heart, we couldn't bear to see our nephew leaving us for 2 years. Everyone was so emotional and teary at the departure gate when KW gave us, one by one, his last hugs.  My sister, KW's mom held back her tears so that her son could leave without any hesitation.  But tears flowed from her eyes as soon as KW left.

Goodbye! We shall miss you!
Two years is not too long but not short. Knowing that he will be doing something for a good cause and that he will be coming home as a finer young man receives blessings and support from his family and relatives.

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